Let me say that the early church father’s who determined what is “scripture” and what is not determined that The Book of Enoch’s discrepancy was: The new testament states: (Jude 14-15 appears to be a quote from 1 Enoch, which is also known as the Apocalypse of Enoch-1 Enoch 1:9 And behold! I am not sure either way. (2 Peter 2.4). So a really big circle looks like a straight line too. Jude’s quote is not the only quote in the Bible from a non-biblical source. Lk. Acts 2). But that oral record would have to have remained intact for thousands of years, hard to believe that Jude the brother of James would quote an oral record thousands of years old. The book is written in Greek. Nothing is said about a “book of Enoch.” There is no phrase such as, “it is written in the book of Enoch.” Nothing … If he did not, we have to ask why he quoted an entire passage from it saying that “Enoch” said these things: And to these also Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied, saying, Behold, the Lord came with ten thousands of his holy ones, to ex The Bible The long woe section (94.6-103.15) provides a detailed description of the wicked, characteristics by which they could be easily identified by the righteous who would be living at the time of the end: among them John, Paul, Peter, James, and Jude. 2:6). Nor are given in marrage. 1 Pet. 16.1-2 Evil spirits permitted to destroy until the consummation of the age (cf. Written of beforehand? Further descriptions of the final judgment, the punishment of the angels, and the rewards of the righteous, are repeated numerous times throughout the remaining chapters, including many chapters which focus upon the coming of the Messiah and the resurrection of the dead. The Apostle Paul quotes Epimenides in Titus 1:12 but that does not mean we should give any additional authority to Epimenides’ writings. to about the middle of the first century. and Jesus said they do not Marry. The book of Enoch was written about 167BC by a unknown prophet. This alone should be reason enough to want to study it, even if we accept the classification that Christendom has seen fit to give it: Pseudepigrapha, a term used to describe a writing that claims to be written by someone other than its real author. They are God's children, since they are children of the resurrection. One day a farmer’s donkey fell down into a well. As for people with wings??? 3:13). In short, it was suppressed. Matt 22 suggests that It may only be angels in heaven that are given in marriage. First, it should be noted that Jude is quoting Enoch himself, not from a book of Enoch. Enoch did not keep silent about the sin around him. 100.3 “horse shall walk up to the breast in the blood of sinners” (cf. (1 Cor. 1 Enoch’s “seventy generations” was too problematic. Because it could not be made to fit their idea that Christ’s coming had not yet been fulfilled. At least that is the pattern for the New Testament. 21 quotes from Enoch: 'Enoch 39:4 There I saw another vision; I saw the habitations and resting places of the saints. And could make the story in “enoch” more plausable that angels of heaven had sex and offspring with human women. Luke 21:9; 2 Thess. How to Debunk Transgender Madness in 2 Minutes Gender is binary but saying gender is how you feel is an excuse for mental illness. It should be noted that according to Luke (who claims to have “traced the course of all things accurately from the first” in Luke 1.1-4), there are exactly seventy generations from the generation of Enoch to the generation of Jesus Christ (Luke 3.23-37). I hope you find these useful if you come across them. On earth he appears like any other man, but in Heaven he is emanating God's glory. Does anyone know anything about this. 8:35ff). Okay Fine. 58.5 “And after this it shall be said to the holy in heaven that they should seek out the secrets of righteousness, the heritage of faith. And angels that kept not their own principality, but left their proper habitation, he hath kept in everlasting bonds under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. These are verses from the Book of Enoch that are quoted in the New Testament by Christ and the Apostles, or are otherwise of interest Enoch 2:1-2 Behold, he comes with ten thousands of his saints, to execute judgment upon them, and destroy the wicked, and reprove all the carnal for everything which the sinful and ungodly have done, and committed against him. He cometh with ten thousands of His holy ones to execute judgment upon all, and to destroy all the ungodly; and to convict all flesh of all the works of their ungodliness which they have ungodly committed, and of all the hard things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him. 12.1 “the great glory sat…more brightly than the sun…no flesh could behold him” (cf. Barnabas, Athenagoras, Clement of Alexandria, Irenaeus, and Tertullian). as worked out by one of the early church fathers, will provide name and date when I return from Europe.). I still conclude that it is not necissary to believe this- Angels are sent quikly no-matter how the transport. 100:9 “In blazing flames burning worse than fire shall ye burn” (cf. Also didn't the Blessed Virgin Mary listen to the Angel Gabriel and agree to God's plan for the Incarnation to happen through her? That will give you the "taste of the true" to allow you to separate that with is congruent with God’s word with that which isn’t. 1:12). That is a Jewish book written about 300 B.C. Do not marry means just that!! Gen 5:23-24 “So all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. The Book of Enoch (Jude 14-15 appears to be a quote from 1 Enoch, which is also known as the Apocalypse of Enoch- 1 Enoch 1:9 And behold! DID JESUS QUOTE THE BOOK OF ENOCH? Mt. He cometh with ten thousands of His holy ones to execute judgment upon all, and to destroy all the ungodly; and to convict all flesh of all the works of their ungodliness which they have ungodly committed, and of all the hard things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.Jude 14 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,Jude 15 To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him. When the biblical writers are quoting Enoch, I find it difficult to believe that they were quoting an oral record, although I admit it is possible. But as long as we egknoledge GoD has angels, it doesnt matter if we think they have wings or not. ^^;; I guess you dont even need to egknowledge angels exist. Mt. This book, seems to contain many right sayings about GoD's justice on ungodly people, It was written after the other books in the bible. Jude 14–15 are a fairly close rendition of this verse. Conclusion- The evidence leans more toward 'Sons Of GoD' is talking about men. According to 1 Enoch, these were angels (or Watchers), two-hundred of them (6.6). Jas. "The principal part of the judgment was assigned to him, the Son of man" ( Enoch 69:27 ). Terms & Conditions I have the book of jasher though I haven't got time to read it. 19:15). Simple, someone could have rewritten the book of Enoch, taking true parts and mixing it with many lies. Some have suggested that Jude quoted his prophecy from this source and thus the Book of Enoch was inspired. 23:36; 2 Pet. So perhaps these fallen angels were able to take on human form. 1 Cor. Indeed, nothing in the New Testament would indicate that they ever questioned its genuineness or its integrity. Hmm, Yes, I see. (generally accepted within most churches is that creation took place aproximately 4004 B.C. Others believed it as well, for instance, Peter (as his reference to events outside the official OT/NT canon shows): For if God spared not the angels when they sinned, but cast them down into ####, and committed them to pits of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment. Did Jude Quote From “The Book of Enoch”? The Bible says they are God's Messengers, but what good is a messanger if the intended audience refused to listen to the message? There are some corruptions in the text, but they have been marked as such. Jesus quotes book of enoch, The answer of course, is The Book of Enoch. It does not say that in the bible, that is a made up belief, and Even If Satan were an angel, then why wouldnt he be shagging people now?? But the real problem has to do with a lack of interest. 4:1; 2 Tim. 90.26-27 The fate of the sinners: to be thrown into Gehenna — “this abyss was to the right of that house” (cf. 105.2 “For I and My Son will be united with them forever” (cf. A passage quite similar to this is found in the apocryphal Book of Enoch. Is Hell Eternal the First Century A.D.). 3 Then the LORD said, “My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years.” 4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days-and also afterward-when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. 18:8; 20:9). 6:16). To what extent other New Testament writers regarded 1 Enoch as Scripture may be determined by comparing their writings with those found in 1 Enoch. 18:10); “ye shall shine as the lights of heaven” (cf. Mark 13:8). You say that we should reject this book because it is written in a language younger than the period in which Enoch lived. We must understand the context or we can end up with very wrong ideas and messages about our Christian faith. So there is a difference in description related to what realm they are operating in. Your being to literal, perhaps you should look up the word (PARABLE). 1 Tim. Michael Had a good point, It seems, a scholarly view on this particular wording 'SonS of GoD' would be good to account for. 23:32ff). 6:9-10). 41.2 “mansions of the elect” (cf. I think we should pay attention to the words of God's Good Angels because the Bible is full of examples of doing just that. 1:7; Heb. Regarding contents, 1 Enoch includes a somewhat fragmented mixture of narrative descriptions, dream visions, celestial journeyings, parables, apocalyptic warnings, allegories of religious history, pronouncements of woe, and diverse exhortations, all of which may be related to the book’s dominant theme: the final judgment of the ungodly at the consummation of the age, at which time the righteous receive their reward. 38.2 The appearance of “the Righteous One” is linked to the appearance of the “light” (cf. Ok, an interesting thing about what the writter of jude writes, Im not sure if its in what we are calling “the book of enoch” Angels that SiN, are held in Everlasting chains Untill Judgment day. 71.16 “they shall not be separated from him forever and ever and ever” (cf. Many have heard of 1 Enoch, but not too many have read it (even among those who are preparing for the ministry). Why on earth would someone see somthing that isnt there?? What can be gained from studying 1 Enoch has not been adequately communicated, even among those who stress the importance of reconstructing the life and times of Jesus (i.e. 3:18ff). To get started I will post this video about Liberals or Conservatives. See How To Advertise. Were just given enough info to live a godly life in Jesus example. Until Laurence published his English translation of 1 Enoch in 1821, hardly anyone had ever heard of the Book of Enoch. 8:18-21). Luke 20 states that angels in general will not be maried or given in marriage. Please point out the obvious flaws in doctrine or content in the Book of Enoch. While Semjaza is mentioned as being over all the other angels, he is in no wise to be considered the worst of the lot. But all the righteous would be delivered. 1:8). 15:51; Eph. That these angels took many wives is only part of the reason for their condemnation. 107.1 “generation upon generation shall transgress till a generation of righteousness arises” (cf. From a preterist perspective, 1 Enoch adds considerable weight to the many passages in the New Testament which clearly indicate that the consummation of the age together with Christ’s second coming took place in A.D. 70 (in the destruction of Jerusalem). In other words, it cannot be consistently maintained that Jude’s believing 1 Enoch to be authoritative was an isolated case among the first century Christians. But maybe angels were another race b4 they were angels, and did reproduce, Or maybe GoD made them with that part but not to use it. I cannot accept this without some proof, especially considering that it cannot be proven that some of the biblical authors didnt quote the Book of Enoch. According to Jude, there were “certain men crept in privily … who were of old, written of beforehand unto this condemnation” (Jude 4). Thanx for your post and your reasons for the Book of Enoch not being authentic. In no way have the scriptures ever supported the possibility of a 4,500 giant that the Book of Enoch claims existed. 1:12; Rom. So yes as far as I can see, It is plausable using this scripture, But indecisive. This will back up the judgement that you have made with this book.I am very open minded and teachable. There are at least four different men mentioned as Enoch throughout the Bible book of Genesis. James, another womb brother of Jesus Christ also uses Enoch's writings for his epistle. ecute judgment upon all, and to convict all the ungodly of all their works of ungodliness which they have ungodly wrought, and of all the hard things which ungodly sinners have spoken against him. And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise. Then, in verse 13 Jesus explains why He is uniquely qualified to teach of the kingdom of God—namely, because He alone came down from heaven and possesses the knowledge to teach people about heaven. What then follows is a very sensuous picture of Messianic bliss (10.17-22), the same kind of “prophetic idealism” that often appears in other Old Testament writings. Do you know why scholars say this. ?Why would god make ppl see wings on angels if they dont exist on angels – vision or no vision they are still there. Of course, I want to see the actual text (translated to English, please ) just to see. Quite an interesting analysis of the Book of Epoch posted by Edwin, security researcher in National University of Singapore: It is a nice post and you explained in a detailed way. (Enoch 5:7 {6:9}) the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the son (John 5:22). Jude is by a single author, and is estimated by scholars to have been written from the mid to later half of the 1st century, while 1 Enoch was apparently written by several authors over a time period from about 200 B.C. The Aramaic language used would indicate an authorship sometime in the 2nd or 3rd century B.C. The prophets in the bible saw angels with wings only in dreams or visions, and used the word wings parabolically. Compare the above with the text from 1 Enoch: And behold! It was used by both Jews and Christians until about 700AD. Nairaland - Copyright © 2005 - 2021 Oluwaseun Osewa. 20.35). The book is claimed by some to have been written by Enoch, but it is aproxiamtely dated between the 2nd century BC and the first century AD. Proof that God exists, About Enoch was not Jewish because God had not yet called Abraham, so it is not a Jewish book, and in fact, the Jews rejected it as part of their Old Testament canon, and it was never even up for considerati… 56.5-8 “in those days the angels shall return…shall stir up the kings…shall go up and tread under foot the land of His elect ones…shall be swallowed up” (cf. Peter never directly QUOTES from the Ethiopic Book of Enoch, but he does allude to it, and this passage is where. Jesus Quoted From The Book Of Enoch The Book Of Enoch / Jesus Quoted It And So Did Apostles In case you are wondering where Jesus quote enoch? T8, very cool that you are interested and want to know the detail of the facts. The reason why satan isnt doing it Because he cant- and wouldnt be in the position he is if he was once an angels, because he'd be bound with everlasting chains. I put to you this! They did not leave behind a record of how they chose the books we have in our canonical Old Testament. These men appear to have been quite familiar with 1 Enoch. You then say that “Someone pointed out that angels, Do Not Marry!! If the book of Enoch uses phrases contemporary with the NT or with the Apocrypha, and phrases that are not found in the OT, then again, it is logical to conclude that it was written much later. He was the seventh generation from Adam, the first man (1 Cor. 12-14 Enoch preaches to the spirits in prison that waited in the days of Noah (cf. Free Speech, or 3:10; 1 Pet. The generation of Jesus Christ had not yet passed away. 3:1; Heb. 15.7 Angels not marrying or being given in marriage (cf. question : why wasn’t this book "Enoch" included within the "King James Bible". 1:2). Scholars have placed the book in the second century BC–about three hundred years after the canonical Old Testament was completed. Why Was The Book Of Enoch Removed From The Bible? 2 Cor. Pls no fighting, no hard words, just gisting and posting information. 48.3 “those who have fallen asleep in righteousness”; 48.5 “All…shall fall down and worship him”; 48.6 “chosen hidden before Him before the creation of the world”; 48.6 “in his name they are saved…according to his good pleasure”; 50.3a “through his name shall they be saved”; 50.3b “all the secrets of wisdom and counsel… the Lord of Spirits hath given to him”. 62.2 “the word of his mouth slays all the sinners” (cf. Hebrews 11:5,6 By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God… The other part has to do with their teachings — through which the entire race of men became corrupted: Semjaza taught enchantments, Armaros the resolving of enchantments, Baraqijal astrology, Kokabel the constellations…. If a person sees a person with wings than their having a dreamvision. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. I've had quite an interest in this book lately, as it's important for the thought of the New Testament. 46.3 “This is the Son of Man…who revealeth all the treasures of that which is hidden” (cf. Every Scripture Jesus ever quoted is found in the Old Testament, without any reference to a Book of Enoch. Delusions take place in the mind as does transgenderism. 104.1 “in heaven the angels remember you for good before the glory of the Great One” (cf. Where does it ever say ppl have wings??? The Trinity Doctrine Mat. *Angels in heaven are not permitted to either (not knowing if they even have the parts or not)*Angels dont die. If you say that wings are just nothing, even if you see them- Thats just plain ignorant. 94.8-9 “Woe to you ye rich, for ye have trusted in your riches….Ye have committed blasphemy and unrighteousness and have become ready for the day of slaughter and the day of darkness and the day of great judgment” (cf. Someone pointed out that angels, Do Not Marry!! I dont understand, why say 'dont be to literal' ?? ^^^^Thank you very much, you have actually made me smile for the first time this evening. In fact, that is how 1 Enoch begins, with God opening Enoch’s eyes, enabling him to see what should befall the elect, “not for this generation,” Enoch is told by an angel, “but for a remote one which is to come” (1 Enoch 1.2), at which time “there shall be a judgment upon all men” (1.7). Many christians imagen vain things about what scripture says. But apart from that seems to be the spawn of insanity, contrary to scripture in many regards. “1. Ah, the human mind, how it so wants to play God.). It should be clear that Jesus was referring to Psalms 37:11, not 1 Enoch. Luke 2034Jesus replied, “The people of this age marry and are given in marriage. A strong possibility of influence upon their thought and diction is evidenced by a great many references found in 1 Enoch which remind one of passages found in the New Testament. This being the case, it should not surprise us to learn that 1 Enoch was banned by Hilary, Jerome, and Augustine and was subsequently lost to Western Christendom for over a thousand years. 91.7 The increase of sin and violence comes prior to the Lord’s coming in judgment (cf. 5:1ff). Genesis 6:4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward. Would you like to know more about the. (Joseph Smith comes to mind). People do not literally have wings. January 21, 2020. Phil. An eternal circle’s circumference is a straight line. GoD made Man and Woman to gain in number by repoduction. 108.11-13 “I will transform those who were born in darkness….And I will bring forth in shining light those who have loved my holy name, and I will seat each on the throne of my honor” (cf. Cant you see this is a trick from satan!!!?!?!! 2:6; Col. 1:13; Mt. 22.7 Souls crying out for judgment (cf. A parable is like solving a riddle it requires a spirit of discernment. 62.12 “wrath of the Lord of Spirits resteth upon them, and His sword is drunk with their blood” (cf. Also I saw a documentary on the Dead Sea Scrolls and they mentioned they found about 8 copies of the Book of Enoch. Nor are given in marrage”. David Cloud, Way of Life Literature, P.O. The biggest differentiation between OT and NT is the change in Syntax, partly due to the change in language, but also partly due to time. Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them…in like manner…are set forth as examples…. Enoch. Apart from, *We will not be married or given in marriage. The Dead Sea Scroll copies of Enoch were found to predate Jesus and belong to the Essenes. It is also worth mentioning the numerous woes pronounced against the wicked who were to be overthrown on the great day of judgment. The angel named Azazel earns that distinction for teaching men to make instruments of warfare and for teaching women the art of jewelry-making and “the beautifying of the eyelids” (8.1-2). These are the offspring of the angels. 16:20). Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied, saying, Behold, the Lord came with ten thousands of his holy ones ...” (v. 14). Or appearance. It was oreginally written in hebrew and was found in the dead sea scrolls. 22:1ff). As is the case with the New Testament, no major teaching of the book is seriously affected by any of these “textual variants.”. According to this verse of scripture, the bed of King Og was 13.5 feet long. 10:23ff). Satan wants people to think that he can make women pregnant so some women at some stage in our human history, will freak out and kill they're babies cause they think they are demons. 62.4 “as on a woman in travail” (cf. Popular Nigerian Pastors Who Were Born Muslims (Photos). The only Old Testament scriptures recorded in Greek (Aramaic
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