It produces tall bloom stalks with white to pink flowers. Sitting atop 8 in. If you’re a beginner baker who’s just starting out (or a master chef looking to declutter), start with this list of baking tool must-haves. (Also sometimes called Hylotelephium ewersii) This well-behaved Stonecrop species is an excellent edging or rock garden plant, particularly for hot, dry sites. In summer 3″ spikes of creamy yellow flowers appear. Sedum radiatum is a species of flowering plant in the family Crassulaceae known by the common name Coast Range stonecrop. Water only when the top inch of the soil is dry. One of the more popular sedum ground covers, 'Dragon's Blood' is evergreen and offers deep purple leaves and pinkish purple blooms in late summer. These Sedums have dense, domed flowers and succulent leaves on 1- to 2-foot stems. Sepals are free, somewhat unequal, and only one-third the length of long, lanceolate petals. The flowers are yellow, five-stellate and appear in summer. This goes for the edible and medicinal varieties of sedum stonecrop plants. It is a variable species in respect to size and dentation of the leaves and flower color. The flower heads appear as flattish clusters of soft pink/mauve. Small rosettes of dusty gray multiply into snow flake-like patterns as this native Sedum forms colonies. Sedum divergens (also known as Cascade Stonecrop) is a spreading ground cover native to the Pacific Northwest. For those who already own these tools, this list may finally provide the motivation you need to toss that never-been-used soufflé dish. Why We Love It: For its long bloom season (it may bloom from May to August!). The flowers are star-shaped and pale yellow or greenish. All Sedum varieties and species have the same requirements for full sun exposure and fast draining soil and are hardy to zone 5a or colder on the Canadian Zone map. The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and is pollinated by Insects. Get tips for arranging living room furniture in a way that creates a comfortable and welcoming environment and makes the most of your space. Sedum. Most species will tolerate partial shade but will not thrive in deep shade. Common names for this plant include Burro’s Tail or Donkey’s Tail succulent. In the summer, large quantities of golden, star-shaped flowers emerge. The leaves are green, spathulate and up to 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) long. Many are creeping plants and ideal for edging and rock gardens. Attractive Sedum Varieties 1. Sedum acre, commonly called common stonecrop or gold moss stonecrop, is a tiny, rhizomatous, tuberous-rooted, carpet-forming, evergreen succulent perennial which typically grows to only 3” tall but spreads in a moss-like fashion along the ground to 24” or more to form an interesting and often impressive ground cover. The foliage is short and very light green. They add even more depth to this colorful grower and even attract pollinators. For the garden, there are two main groups of sedums, tall sedums and creeping sedums. Varieties of Sedum . Check out this piece on the Burro’s tail, “Sedum Morganianum— the Burros Tail Succulent Plant“ Just remember to give it full sun exposure. This genus of succulents is remarkable for its diversity of color, form, texture and even hardiness. If you're not sure what you've got, check here. 19. Jerry Pavia. It is a groundcover that forms rosettes of green-yellow leaves, up to 1.4 inches (3.5 cm) long. Here is a selection to suit everyone's requirements with advice about caring, description of plant and for some species - where to buy. Sedum laxum ‘Roseflower’ is a native perennial from the mountains of Northern California and Southern Oregon. 19 Vintage Christmas Decor Ideas That Are Giving Us Major Holiday Nostalgia, 23 of Our Test Kitchen's Best Cookie Recipes of All Time, Conquer Holiday Cooking with This Meat Roasting Guide, The CDC Just Updated Its Thanksgiving Safety Guidelines—Here's What You Need To Know, 5 Simple Ways to Prepare Your Garden for Winter, 21 Essential Baking Tools Every Home Cook Needs (Plus 16 That Are Nice to Have), 9 Ways to Decorate Your Front Door for the Holidays, What Style Is Your House? Features small, rounded, fleshy, succulent-like leaves (to 3/4″ long) which appear in whorls of three, thus giving rise to the common names. The leaves are opposite, fleshy, flat or rounded, green, up to 0.6 inch (1.5 cm) long and up to 0.4 inch (1 cm) wide. It is a dense golden yellow mounding dwarf Sedum with a tight and spreading to trailing habit making it perfect for sunny borders, rock gardens, or spilling from containers. It produces numerous creeping, rooting stems up to 15 cm long and forms dense mats from 30-70 cm or more in diameter and 7.5 cm tall. It is a very distinctive species, not the least because of its attractive star-shaped, blue flowers — a color otherwise not reported for species of sedum and altogether rare throughout the world of succulent plants, and is highly worthy of every attention that may be bestowed upon it. Once established, sedum requires very little water or maintenance, which can help you save quite a bit of time and money over the years. Like all those of the same genus, the flowers of Sedum spurium have 5 petals and 5 stamens. Reproductive Leaves Baby Plants on a Leaf. They need a well draining soil. Jelly Bean Plant.A great house plant.Please note it will drop 'beans' in the post so just leave them on the surface to eventually grow into more. Sedum (Stonecrop) Chick Charms; Opuntia (Blooming Cactus) Rosularia & Prometheum; More Hardy Varieties The Monstera deliciosa is a species that attaches it self to trees in its natural rain forest habitat. It is a lime green, upright variety that likes a bit more shade and water than most Sedum. This plant is nearly identical in appearance to the often-used Sedum reflexum ‘Blue Spruce’, but Sedum montanum is more reliably hardy and better-tolerates summer heat. The variety ‘Herbstfreude‘ has brown-red inflorescences. Sedum nussbaumerianum (Coppertone Stonecrop) is a low growing, evergreen, perennial subshrub with attractive rosettes of thick pointed leaves, about 2 in. The varieties are mainly classified into creeping sedums and upright growers. individually £11.50 each, 3+ £9.00 each Notify me when this plant is available to order. The middle-green, simple leaves are arranged in rosettes. A great ground cover, this sedum grows fast to smother out weeds. Displays white, six-pointed, star-shaped flowers on thin, multi-branched stems. Petals are fused at the base. Plants spread by stout branched rhizomes and procumbent or creeping aboveground stems terminating in a rosette. Sedum Makinoi ‘Ogon’ (Golden Japanese Stonecrop) Sedum Makinoi ‘Ogon” is usually used as ground cover. Grows 3-6″ high and spreads by creeping stems which root at the nodes. Trailing types such as burro's tail (Sedum morganianum, USDA zones 10 through 12) work well as hanging plants. Non-flowering stems are densely covered with pointed, flattened, succulent, gray-green leaves (to 3/8″ long) in obconical rosettes. The flowers are small, star-shaped and yellow in color. The leaves take on purple to pink tones in the late fall and winter. Sedum rubens is a small erect therophyte (annual herb), 2-15 cm, glandular-hairy especially in the upper parts, greyish-green, usually glaucous, and eventually becomes reddish. Once established, they are very drought resistant. Sedum or stonecrop is a group of plants widely known for being resilient outdoor and indoor succulents. The flowers are white, 10–12 mm (0.39–0.47 in) in diameter, with four slender, pointed petals; they are produced in clusters on erect stems up to 10 cm (4 in) tall, held above the foliage. Why We Love It: For its upright habit and dramatic purple foliage. This species of stonecrop produces several short, leafy but non-flowering shoots as well as long, erect, fleshy flowering stems that become woody at the base. Sedum, also commonly known as stonecrop, is a huge plant genus consisting of over 400 species. Sedum moraniii is a rare species of flowering plant in the family Crassulaceae known by the common name Rogue River stonecrop. It can produce small, yellow star-shaped blooms in summer tolerate extended droughts and hard frosts. The neat, compact, miniaturized habit and freely produced flowers make this species a prized specimen. Grab a glass of milk because we're about to dunk peanut butter cookies, oatmeal-raisin cookies, snickerdoodle cookies, and many more of our all-time favorite cookie recipes. Sedum varieties fall into two main categories of perennials – tall and creeping. Inflorescence dense, with 3–16 flowers. Smaller, trailing sedums are commonly used as ground covers. Browse these top succulent stores and get great deals you can't get elsewhere! Some, however, are more like a shrub. A popular cultivar is Sedum morganianum ‘Burrito’. Cleaning your home doesn't have to be a daunting, time-consuming chore. Flowers are produced in a terminal cluster of between two and seven; each flower has five pale green, lanceolate, equally-sized sepals and five yellow, elliptic petals, around a third of an inch long. The juice in the succulent leaves and stems can be used topically to quell burn symptoms and on small scrapes and scratches. This is a great perennial low growing sun loving drought tolerant ground cover. Many sedum varieties, or their close relatives, are popular garden plants or houseplants. Native to North America: No. It has flattened linear succulent leaves and white to pinkish flowers. Jason Wilde, Credit: Growing Conditions: Full sun and well-drained soil. From within the rosette emerges stolons from which new rosettes form. This species is native to high elevations of Greece and Bulgaria. As Sedum burrito seems similar to the cliff dweller Sedum morganianum, which is native to Veracruz, Mexico and forms long cascading stems of glaucous blue-green leaves, there has been conjecture that perhaps Sedum burrito is a natural Sedum morganianum hybrid. Upright-growing varieties can be left standing all winter long for winter interest or pruned back to the ground after freezing temperatures kill the stems in autumn. Flowers have five pointed sepals beneath five larger petals, yellow to brown in color. This winter front door display is layered with holiday cheer. Sedum is a part of the Crassulaceae family and contains many varieties, they can be found all over the world, but succulent varieties are often found in warmer climesofsunny Mexico. It develops stems, up to 1 foot (30 cm) tall, that branch to form a good-sized clump in time. The thick, waxy-glaucous or green leaves are lance-shaped and flat on one side, and taper to soft, spinescent tips, but often fall off by flowering time. Sedum Plant List Find Your Favorite Stonecrop Varieties & Species Here. All rights reserved. Cockerell’s stonecrop is a succulent perennial that grows to about 6 inches tall. It is a dense golden yellow mounding dwarf Sedum with a tight and spreading to trailing habit making it perfect for sunny borders, rock gardens, or spilling from containers. Blue-gray foliage in early spring and fall becomes blue-green in the summer. Andy Lyons, Credit: Brilliant yellow, five-petaled flowers are up to 0.4 inch (1 cm) across and produced in early summer. Sedum cyaneum is well suited for the rock garden or edging in a dry border, also a good choice for containers. Close X. It typically grows to 4-8″ tall and spreads to 10-12″ wide. Calico Kitten (Crassula pellucida variegate) Sedum Varieties Fuldaglut – It requires abundant sunlight, and grows up to a height of 3 inches. During the hot summer months, this pink edge intensifies. These buds elongate the following winter. Keep indoor Sedums at temperatures between 60 and 70 °F (15 and 20 °) through the winter. In early fall, bright pink, star-shaped flowers are borne in small clusters at the ends of the stems. The tall border varieties provide late-summer color with both flowers and foliage. Related posts:Tips on Grow Light for Succulents11 Best LED Grow Light Strips for SucculentsBest LED Grow Light on Amazon. Nice in a gravel scree, alpine trough or mixed container. In the summer the buds on the tip turn pink and begin to bloom. Select one of our Sedum Perennial Plants, they'll grow almost anywhere as long as there is good drainage, they're practically maintenance free, great for suppressing weeds and growing between gaps in pavements. All of these plants would do well containers and many of the low-growing, trailing types will thrive on a hot, exposed balcony or in a window box set upon a hot metal railing. In spring, when you look up at residential buildings, you can see row after row of bright yellow flowers of Sedum palmeri. Sedum cyaneum is an excellent groundcover plant, particularly for hot, dry sites with poor soil. It is endemic to Oregon in the United States, where it only grows in Josephine County next to the Rogue River. You can clean them up a bit after winter by removing any dead or damaged branches or foliage; this will also help keep your sedums healthy. Yellow flowers appear in summer and continue into early fall. Also well-suited for growing in tubs and alpine trough gardens. Its color can vary from green to red. This sedum has great foliage and beautiful pink flowers in late summer. Though attractive in flower, Sedum brevifolium is at its very best in midwinter when its colourful evergreen foliage makes it stand out over other winter foliage plants. Senecio Rowleyanus (String of Pearls) String of Pearls is one of the most popular trailing succulents. It mixes well with just about everything in the garden. This sedum has great foliage and beautiful pink flowers in late summer. Donkey's tail.A trailing succulent with trailing stems up to 1m.long. The smallest varieties can be just a few inches tall while the largest variations are over 3-feet tall. Better Homes & Gardens may receive compensation when you click through and purchase from links contained on Sedum litoreum is a small, erect, glabrous, annual succulent, up to 6 inches (15 cm) tall, usually simple or branched from the base. Sedum. The flowers are sweetly fragrant. It resembles Sedum acre (Biting Stonecrop) but it is smaller and doesn't form mats like the biting stonecrop. It loves that! Creeping varieties are best great for rock gardens or as trailing plants in containers. Sedum urvillei has fairly upright shoots, 5 – 12 cm (2 – 5 in) high, imbricately covered with gray-green or reddish, semi-terete leaves, each with a distinct, large, broad, truncate spur. Young plants may be quite compact and will flower, when they are quite small. Most sedum options have star-shaped flowers that appear in clusters in late summer and throughout the fall. Sedum emarginatum is drought tolerant, requiring little water once established. © 2021 Succulent Alley. Sedum glaucophyllum is a prostrate, mat-forming evergreen perennial plant forming patches up to 30–40 cm (12–15.5 in) in diameter. We’ll help you set up a baking kit for beginners with 21 essential tools. Sedum orbatum is a species resembling a giant Sedum cuspidatum. They do their best with weekly watering from spring through fall, but may require more in extremely hot weather or if planted in a container. Its bluish green leaves are broadly rounded and glaucous and its flowers are yellow and greenish at base. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. The sprawling stems root readily where they contact the soil. Needle-like leaves give the appearance of a tiny conifer tree. Sedum oblanceolatum (also known as Oblongleaf Stonecrop and Applegate Stonecrop) is native to a restricted area of the Siskiyou mountains in southern Oregon and northern California. Sedum rubrotinctum £3.50. It makes an excellent woodland groundcover, container spiller, or is even great planted on a green roof. Lobelia erinus Sedum sediforme is a robust glabrous perennial succulent herb. Mar 12, 2019 - Explore Urbafloria | Sustainable Lands's board "Trailing Plants", followed by 221 people on Pinterest. Leaves are alternate oblanceolate or elliptic, rounded to obtuse, up to 0.5 inch (1.3 cm) long and up 0.2 inch (0.5 cm) wide. Most Sedum are low growing, creeping and drought tolerant. Sedum grisebachii is an easy ground cover with tiny, bead-like leaves. Sedum spectabile flowers in August and September and grows to a height of 50 cm. Sedum hirsutum (Hairy Stonecrop) is a perennial, succulent plant with dense, low clusters of Rosularia-like rosettes on erect stems up to 2 inches (5 cm) long. Sedum (stonecrop) Trailing varieties are lovely as ground covers and in rock gardens, terraces and hanging baskets. It bears tiny rose-red, star-shaped flowers on mixed colored foliage that turns red in August. Sedum muscoideum is a distinct plant with tiny, imbricate leaves, tightly appressed to 8-cm (3-in) long, upright stems, and large yellow flowers that are produced in small numbers in summer. Amazing trailing plants perfect for hanging baskets and grow up to 5 inches, and with notch! Poor soil an angle, a drought-tolerant stonecrop with clusters of small white. 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