PREVIEW1) A performance (or series of performances) before the 'official' opening night. For example, if a spotlight is added into Cue 2, it will remain on at that level through subsequent cues until a cue where all cues fade out, or a cue where that spotlight is specifically recorded at zero. (Lighting) A way of describing the brightness of a stage lantern. Lighting plans are usually drawn onto the theatre's groundplan. German: Startbox. How do designers use technology on stage to tell a story? A lantern supplied with the maximum amount of electrical power a dimmer is able to produce is described at being 'at full intensity' - this is often called '100%' or just 'Full'. However, it contains the minimum information necessary to perform the cues, and is therefore more efficient on a manual lighting desk or complex sound setup. Ultraviolet sources designed for stage use are known as Black Light sources (also known as UV-B) and have all harmful radiations filtered out. For example, if a spotlight is added into Cue 2, it will remain on at that level through subsequent cues until a cue where all cues fade out, or a cue where that spotlight is specifically recorded at zero. The wings are best identified by their position on stage (e.g. BACKLIGHTLight coming from upstage, behind scenery or actors, to sculpt and separate them from the background. 2) All lanterns which are on the audience side of the proscenium and are focussed towards the stage. Consists of a single power input, a lighting control (DMX512) input and sockets to connect lanterns. FOLLOW-ON CUE / FOLLOW CUEA cue that happens so soon after a previous cue, that it doesn't need to be cued separately. Photoflood lamps were used in the past, but have a very short life, and aren't as bright as the other options. Daylight is approximately 5600°K, Tungsten Halogen is approx. (US) A open ended adjustable hand wrench originally produced by the Crescent Tool Co. DIMMERElectrical or electronic device which controls the amount of electricity passed to a lantern, and therefore the intensity of the lamp.Dimmers in the Backstage Heritage Collection Archive. Localized and directional lighting used to highlight, focus attention or dramatize a room or outdoor space. Defined as the angle within which the lowest intensity in a beam of light from a lantern is not less than one-tenth of the maximum. Usually takes place before opening night. CRESCENT WRENCH The paper (or cotton) made from nitrocellulose burns almost instantly leaving no ash or residue. The technology can also permit the dimmer to report faults and other data back to the control board. If this is the main lighting for the show, it's called the GENERAL COVER. Usually preceded by the strike (where the set is disassembled back into component parts. A diffusing filter used to soften the edges of a light beam. A lantern supplied with the maximum amount of electrical power a dimmer is able to produce is described at being 'at full intensity' - this is often called '100%' or just 'Full'. Other common types are BC (Bayonet Cap) and SES (Small Edison Screw). B size - 86mm / 64.5mm PROFILE Understanding these terms is important for aspiring designers, lighting technicians and other stage crew members. AMBIENT LIGHTThe light in a venue with no stage-lighting sources switched on. See FLY TOWER. DEMUX BOXShort for De-Multiplex. See also SIX LAMP BAR. Known as a GFI (Ground Fault Interruptor) in the USA. AMX stands for Analogue Multiplexed Signal, and can control up to 192 channels, using a 4-pin XLR connector. A DRY TECH is without actors to rehearse the integration of lighting, scenic changes etc. (ie Stage Left is the right side of the stage when looking from the auditorium.) Audition and Rehearsal Terms. A type of animation disk which fits into the colour runners at the front of a lantern which rotates and breaks up the light beam to make it appear to be moving. What is the Difference Between Blended Learning & Distance Learning? 2) Any headphones. See also CANS. Also used for additional atmosphere in many other types of performance. A floor stand consisting of a sheet of metal and a central support is known as a FLOOR PLATE. OK - we're all set - when you're ready please."). COVERLighting that does a particular job during the show. 15A PLUG Some also have shutters. The Delay Time can be used to hold (for example) the Up Time of a cue for a few seconds while the stage is cleared during a dim state. When focussing lighting, flagging means waving your hand in and out of the beam of a lantern/instrument in order to see where the beam is hitting on stage. CROSSLIGHTLight coming from the sides of the stage towards the centre (i.e. Consists of multipin connector (typically Socapex or Lectriflex), short length of cable, then a number of sockets related to the number of circuits in the cable. PICK-UP1) Device which, when attached to an acoustic musical instrument, converts sound vibrations into an electrical signal. (e.g. Some Flash buttons on submasters can be set to latch (ie they stay on when pushed, until they are pushed again). FIBRE OPTICSA method of directing light down a very thin glass fibre. 1) Outboard sound equipment that can momentarily stores a signal being sent to part of a P.A. An extendible leg to increase the stability of access equipment (eg Tallescope, Scaffold tower). or Pack Out (NZ). See also FADE DOWN. AMBER Refers to the yellowish-orange transparency (see gel) used as a colour medium. Although hook clamps (in the UK) that support lanterns do not fail, they are subject to a number of human failings including not doing the clamp up sufficiently or not tightening the bolt at the base of the hook clamp that connects to the lantern. See also FLOATS. Communications protocol standard, used primarily for theatre lighting systems, for sending data from lighting consoles to dimmers, motorized lights, and lighting accessory units such as color scrollers and fog machines. When vertical, known as a BOOM. A DMX run should always be terminated, and although the system may work without one, continued operation cannot be guaranteed. Many moving lights use a similar system with dichroic colours which are more efficient and longer-lasting. (US equivalent is FLOORPOCKET). 'Flood that a bit, please!'. We'll pick it up from Simon's line "And from then on it was all downhill" in a moment. GAFFER TAPE / GAFFA TAPEUbiquitous sticky cloth tape. Light fittings which have to light up on the set are called Practicals. A.J. 13A cable (or 5A cable) can also be TRS, so if in doubt, ask for clarification of the connector required, or check what it's for if you're not sure. Sometimes known as a Bump Button. 2) Compartmentalised floodlight battens at floor level used to light the bottom of skycloths etc. However, stage management (and any other crew who move around) often wear wireless versions, often known as radio cans. FOCUS1) The session when all the lanterns / instruments in the rig are angled in the correct direction, with the correct beam size. GROUNDPLANA scaled plan (overhead) view of the theatre stage area or of a set design, to enable all technical departments to ensure that everything will fit correctly into the space available. Connecting lanterns to dimmers. Additional equipment that adds functionality to a larger piece of equipment but which are not necessarily stored with (or sold with) the equipment. Mainly used in the context of a software tool for lighting design and production administration. 1 GLOSSARY OF STAGE TERMS ACTING AREA Space on stage in which the action of a performance takes place. Stage Managers can use this session to ensure all is written correctly in the Prompt Book. SAFETY CHAIN HEATSHIELDMade by Rosco, Heat Shield is a special clear gel which when placed between a lamp and a coloured gel, dissipates a large amount of heat to give the gel a longer life. Moving lights use a range of different gobo sizes, so check the manufacturers website. Combining colours in this way adds the colours together, eventually arriving at white. 1) General term for unit of lighting equipment including spotlight, flood etc. As the saying goes, 'Bulbs is what you put in the ground'. See the video below for further information. LEKO DMX512-A (officially ANSI E1.11) is a new standard under development at ESTA which is backwards compatible with DMX512 but has stricter safety parameters and offers some upgrades of functionality. See also FLOOD. See NON DIM. A lamp used by photographers which gives a bright white light. The three contacts on a stereo jack audio connector. System for giving technical staff and actors silent cues by light. (eg Light Plot = scale plan showing lighting instruments). This enables motors, slide projectors, smoke machines etc to be controlled from the lighting desk. Some desks which use Tracking only record changes, which means dimmers (or moving lights etc) stay where they are until they're specifically changed. FLASH BUTTONA push switch on a lighting desk which flashes selected channels / memories / submasters to full (100%) while pressed. The focal length (property of a lens) is the point at which parallel rays from the sun will converge on passing through the lens. ERS / E.R.S. See also COLOUR CORRECTION. Water is boiled in a large tank offstage, into which the dry ice is lowered in a basket. DIGITAL DIMMERA more recent generation of stage lighting dimmers that can respond directly to the digital multiplexed output of the lighting desk (ie that don't accept an analogue voltage to provide the channel level). STEEL1) Refers to a steel blue / pale blue lighting gel. 1) A performance (or series of performances) before the 'official' opening night. Because the chain cannot be rated to carry a specific load, safety chains should no longer be used in this application, but should be replaced by rated safety bonds. See also BREAST LINE. Because it has a thin filament, it gives a good flash effect (eg lightning), but has a relatively short life, so should not be left on for any length of time. the chair is moved to the right) all moving lights will automatically focus on the new location. The directions are seen from the director's and audience's perspective, NOT the actors. There are broadly two types: Illumination on a subject from behind, causing a separation of the subject from the background, often creating a fringe of light around the subject. Used for testing lanterns prior to connection to the lighting system and also for powering non-lighting equipment on stage and working lights. How does theatrical lighting shape the way an audience experiences a performance? Technicians also use washes to set a mood or to create an interesting background. In the US, the word "Warning" replaces "Stand-by". 1) Announcement by the DSM that a section of the performance has ended (e.g. 'at the end of the dance number we restore to a warm general cover'). The excess current is converted into heat. The pressure at which electric current is available. Transformation from a scene downstage of a gauze to another scene upstage, by slowly crossfading lighting from downstage to upstage. COSTUME: The clothing worn by characters on stage. Can be very effective when lit by pinspots, or more commonly now, intense moving light beams. Sometimes abbreviated to Xfade or XF. Cyan / Magenta / Yellow - the three secondary (additive) colours of light which are used in moving lights for colour mixing. Blue is 230V, Red is 415V (3 phase). Join Downtown Sacramento Partnership … Also known as a BARREL. BLUE-OUT(Lighting) A fade to blue backlight only. its dimmer number, focus position and colour number). 3) An independently controllable section of a manual lighting board which allows the setting up of a lighting state before it is needed. Modern safety legislation (UK) requires that the lamp tray cannot be opened until power is disconnected. A much thicker (and less flexible) gel than that produced nowadays. See also FIXTURE. A higher wattage lamp requires more power and gives a brighter light output. DOOFERAn object or tool that you're not sure of the correct name for. LED stage lighting instruments are stage lighting instruments that use light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as a light source. Also known as a Scrim, American Mesh. Lamps: lighting term for light bulbs used in theatrical equipment. FUSE EDISON PLUGHeavy duty power connector in the USA - a circular plastic body with three metal contacts. Many theatres employ casual staff to assist on lighting rigging sessions. A coloured gel that has lost its colour or melted through due to excessive heat in front of a lantern. Also known as LBO (Lighting Board Operator). 2) A colour scroller made by Strand LightingStrand Lighting Colour Call scroller. A lighting desk where the interface between operator and dimmer is a fader, rather than a computer. (noun) 2) Installing lighting, sound equipment and scenery etc for a particular show.(verb). GOING DARK1) See DARK. Term now being replaced by the internationally recognised "luminaire" (esp. The image can be used soft focus to add texture, rather than a defined image. A system with poor quality DMX cable (or cable of a long run) will require termination in order to operate correctly. The department in the theatre responsible for stage lighting and sometimes sound and maintenance of the building's electrical equipment. Theatre of Lights, produced by Downtown Sacramento Partnership, is a free holiday lighting extravaganza at the Old Sacramento Waterfront. 3) Control on projection equipment used to change the focus. Booms can also be fixed to the rear of the proscenium arch (Pros. to break up the light on the actors faces. For this reason, denser colours get very hot, and can burn out very quickly. 1) Also called Dip Traps. Used with an objective lens to produce the desired size of image. There are many different sizes of colour frames for lighting equipment. ENTERTAINMENT TECHNOLOGYAny technical or practical craft used in the creation of live events or experiences. (eg 8.5 is inserted between cues 8 and 9). However, the highest risk is due to a flown lantern being struck by a piece of scenery or another lantern as it flies past. Image: Casino Royale via Columbia Pictures A sidelight, as you might have guessed, is a light that comes from the side parallel to the actor. Refers to a pale yellow lighting gel. A DIPLESS CROSSFADE occurs when the lighting doesn't dip significantly between states, which results in a more subtle transition. (e.g. TRUNNION ARMU-shaped bracket between the hook clamp and the main body of a lighting instrument, enabling it to be tilted to any angle. KILLTo switch off (a light/sound effect); to strike/remove (a prop). A narrow horizontal masking piece (flattage or cloth), normally of neutral colour (black) to mask the lighting rig and flown scenery from the audience, and to provide an upper limit to the scene. This has advantages in that you never run out of dimmers, but allows no flexibility and can have cost disadvantages in a large space. Enables two identical 110 Volt loads to be safely run from a 240 Volt supply (UK). there is a breakout box at the end of a sound multicore cable which allows you to plug microphone cables into it). How does theatrical lighting shape the way an audience experiences a performance? FIRST ELECTRIC(US) The first LX bar upstage of the proscenium arch. A preset sheet contains the status of everything at the start of the show, then the running sheet / running plot lists everything that has to happen during the show, in order. See PLASA for the UK equivalent.ESTA website. The Super Trouper is the best known of all stage lighting instruments outside of the industry due to Abba's song 'Super Trouper'.Strong International websiteFollowspotting Tips and Tricks. Usually done from the prompt corner by the DSM on the book or Stage Manager over cans. Fibre Optics are used mostly in communication, but find theatre applications in star cloths which are black backcloths with the ends of optical fibres poked through, to create a mass of pin pricks of light. Select a subject to preview related courses: Theatrical lighting allows audiences to see the actions performed and directs their attention to the most important parts. The member of the stage management team calling the cues will say "Standby Sound Cue 12". (Trade Name) Thin black aluminium product which is used to temporarily mask light coming out of a luminaire's body, or to control spill. Background light. Short wavelength source of light at the end of the visible light electromagnetic spectrum which causes specially treated materials to fluoresce on an otherwise blackened stage. 1) Anything in position before the beginning of a scene or act (eg Props placed on stage before the performance, lighting state on stage as the audience are entering.). The top lantern on a lighting boom. Most desks have a way of over-riding Tracking for a particular cue (known as Cue Only), or for the whole show you are working on. Some theatres have a separate sound department, smaller venues have the lighting team also running sound for shows (and doing sound design for some). SERIES SPLITTERAn adaptor consisting of a plug and two sockets wired in series. Sometimes flying pieces are given a number of extra deads, that may be colour coded, in addition to the 'in dead' (lower) and 'out dead' (higher - out of view). See also CP, A1, P2, K. Lighting focused onto the house tabs at the front of the stage to set a theatrical atmosphere before the show starts. 1) The process of recording information about each lighting state either onto paper or into the memory of a computerised lighting board for subsequent playback. 2) A profile spotlight (e.g. 1) The part of the stage furthest from the audience. The use of SMOKE MACHINES in these spaces can (and does) result in expensive call-outs of the fire department and evacuated auditoria. Glossary of Technical Theatre Terms – Lighting (beginners). The process of adjusting the direction and beam size of lanterns. BUMP CUEA lighting cue that instantly bumps the lighting up to a brighter level (a time of 0 seconds). See also: PyrotechnicsLighting EffectsFog, Smoke & Haze On Stage. It's not necessary for anyone to be highly skilled in all of the crafts, but an understanding of the whole picture is very helpful, and knowing when to call in a specialist (and where to find them) is vital. See SHINS and HEADS. HEADS ON STAGEA shouted warning (often just 'Heads!') There is no abbreviation for onstage (as it is too easily confused with offstage). See also SILK.Rosco Hamburg Frost range. Greater detail can be achieved using a glass gobo, which consists of a thin layer of aluminium etched onto glass. Two people are used to move and steady the tallescope. A 'STANDBY' (UK) or 'WARN' (US) cue is given first, so that the operators are ready for the actual cue. PROJECTION1) Slides are used to project still archive images or textures. the VL4 and Mac 600 are wash luminaires). [updated courtesy John Creed, 2017]Museum of Old Electrical Items - Grelco. A fade out takes the lighting state to blackout (or a particular sound to silence). Normally given by stage management, but may be taken directly from the action (i.e. A philosophy of operation on some lighting desks which memorises the operations required to carry out a cue, and NOT the entire state of each cue. Lighting designed to illuminate an object from behind, which causes an appealing glow effect around its edges. Used for rigging lanterns, focusing etc. A 'Company Call' means the full cast and crew are called for the rehearsal. A size - 100mm outside diameter / 75mm image diameter (e.g. An Omnidirectional microphone has equal pick-up from all around, a Cardoid microphone is more sensitive from the front, a Hypercardoid has very strong directionality from the front. A vertical slider which is used to remotely set the level of a lighting or sound channel. An extendible leg to increase the stability of access equipment (eg Tallescope, Scaffold tower). Method of checking whether lanterns are functioning properly by flashing them on one at a time. Sometimes used for cueing actors onto the set. A Scaffolding bar (aluminium) which has a number of sockets (usually 15A in the UK) positioned along its length, the wiring for which is contained within the bar. Pinspots are ideal for lighting MIRRORBALLs. German: hauptprobe (final rehearsal), DRY ICEFrozen solid carbon dioxide (CO2) at a temperature of -78.5° centigrade which produces clouds of steam-loaded CO2 gas forming a low-lying mist or fog when dropped into boiling water. Available in the same ratings as fuses. The Super Troupers use Xenon lamps and vary from 1600W - 2000W. The three primary colours mix subtractively to form black (or to block all the light).More on Colour Mixing. See LIMES. A board consisting of rows of sockets into which plugs can be connected to route sound signals or power for lighting circuits. Depending on the size of the cable (current carrying capacity), cables are used to supply individual lanterns, whole dimmer racks, or carry signals from a microphone etc. Beamlite in the Backstage Heritage Collection, CUE journals is available on the Backstage Heritage Collection website, Dimmers in the Backstage Heritage Collection Archive, Leko in the Backstage Heritage Collection archive, Light Curtains in the Backstage Heritage Collection, Lighting Stencils on the Backstage Heritage Collection, Strand Lanterns with Pattern Numbers - Backstage Heritage Collection, Backstage Heritage Collection archive has a complete collection of TABS journals, Aluminium Access Products - Tallescope Manufacturer and Service. Cue lights ensure greater precision when visibility or audibility of actors is limited. (100% = 230 - 240 Volts(UK)). A chase can be produced easily by the effects functions of a computerised lighting desk. Anyone can earn Many electronic devices use digital logic. They require hot power, and have an additional control input connection (DMX512) which gives them instructions what to do. CUE1) The command given to technical departments to carry out a particular operation. 'Save 14'). Because the current is greater, the lower voltage lamps have smaller thicker filaments which give a more focussed beam than the thinner 240V filaments. "Act One Beginners to the stage, please". Because it has a thin filament, it gives a good flash effect (eg lightning), but has a relatively short life, so should not be left on for any length of time. 2) The term Delay Line refers to the equipment that is used to produce the delayed sound signal. Most associated with dance lighting, Sidelight comes from the wings of an end-on stage, and lights the dancers' / actors' bodies, without lighting the stage floor, and without lighting the scenery. a Visual Cue). Leko in the Backstage Heritage Collection archive. See also CP, A1, T, P2. moving lights). (e.g. HANG / HANGING SESSIONThe 'hang' is the American equivalent of the lighting rigging session in the UK - the time when the lighting equipment is rigged. US equivalent of the UK Hook Clamp. The connection is normally parallel, that is, each device is fed the same voltage, but the current is divided between them. A view from the side of the set (or a piece of scenery) is known as an ELEVATION. BEAM ANGLEThe angle of the cone of light produced by a lantern. See also PAN.2) Feature on pinball machines which detects excessive movement of the case. Thesaurus. The lighting control desk may be moved to the production desk, or the desk and programmer may remain in the control room, and have a remote interface on the production desk, which may have a display screen showing the cue list etc, which the designer can configure. See PVC Tape. 2) 'Bounce' is sometimes used for a flat (non-curved) cyclorama. (US) Short for Ellipsoidal Reflector - type of fixed beam profile lantern common in the US. A lampy only concerns him/herself with lighting. DIMMER RACKA number of individual lighting dimmer circuits built into a single case. 1 Share. Many different sizes of frames are needed for different lanterns. See LIMES, PICK-UP.Followspotting Tips and Tricks. HALF KA 500W lantern (usually Fresnel or PC) - K refers to Kilowatt (1000 Watts). This PowerPoint I created, with help from a friend who is an industry professional, is a dummy's guide (no offence) to theatre lighting and is really helpful for learners on GCSE, A Level, BTEC and UAL courses. An increase in lighting or sound level, over a given time period. Stage lighting is the craft of lighting as it applies to the production of theater, dance, opera, and other performance arts. Used heavily for dance lighting as it lights the body of the performer without casting shadows upstage, and it is far more sculptural than front light. A phenomenon seen when tungsten halogen lamps are dimmed which results in the light output becoming warmer (lower in colour temperature) as it becomes dimmer. XLR PATTERN NUMBERMany older Strand lanterns are identified by their Patt. Can also be used for removing the front of house lighting from a curtain call state. Hook Clamps should not be used to overhang items above a lighting bar. 2) A way of describing the directional sensitivity of a microphone. A requirement of most licensing authorities in the UK. (Trade Name) A retractable alloy vertical ladder on an adjustable wheeled base. Good at design, yes, but a bit of a tech-phobe. A Preset Checklist is used by stage management and all other technical teams, to ensure that everything is correctly set to start the show. As the basic DMX512 standard is one-directional, there should be a DMX terminator at the end of the DMX run to absorb the data signals and stop them being 'reflected' back down the cable and causing communications errors and other problems. Distinct from a 'Techie' who may also be a carpenter or stage crew member. Flightcases are very strong, and have reinforced corners and edges. Floods are used in battens, or singly to light cycloramas or large areas of the stage. This is especially evident with the CP60 (narrow) PAR64 lamp, which has no frosted glass or lens to soften the image. TV & Film lighting) The dominant light source/direction in a naturalistic lighting state. 2) TABS was a journal published by Strand Electric between 1937 and 1986, about stage lighting and other equipment produced by the company. Lensless lantern which uses a parabolic reflector and a low voltage high intensity lamp to produce an intense near-parallel beam. Ellipsoidal — Ellipsoidal Reflector Spotlight (ERS), is a light used to highlight certain subjects or stage pieces with a relatively narrow beam angle. DMX MERGELighting control accessory which accepts multiple DMX inputs (e.g. A commonly used abstract GOBO which gives a textured effect to the light, without throwing a specific pattern onto the stage. The opposite of OFFSTAGE. Understanding and designing theatre lighting – A-level Understanding theatre lighting . FIXTUREA single moving light unit. Channels, usually controlled from the lighting desk which are switched, rather than dimmed. GATE1) The point of focus in a profile spot where the shutters are positioned and where an iris or gobo can be inserted. Also known as Duct Tape. Create an account to start this course today. BLACKWRAP PATTERN1) See GOBO.2) See PATTERN NUMBER. Type of lantern which produces an intense beam of light, ideally suited to "punching" through strong colours, or for special effect. Term now being replaced by the internationally recognised "luminaire" (esp. A three way splitter is known as a TRELCO, TRELLY (or THREEFER in the US). (UK) Known in the US as a C Wrench (short for Crescent Wrench). CUE: In technical terms, the trigger (be it a line or an event) for an action to be carried out at a specific time. A comparison is made between the signals carried by the two data cables, and any differences are cancelled out, meaning that noise/data error reduction is very effective. This term is still in everyday use, although limelight is not. Part of a profile lantern. Dimmable stage lights traditionally use tungsten filaments in a halogen gas (known as Tungsten Halogen lamps). The actors/actresses are then called by name. "Use the Straw General Cover for the garden scene"). "Electrics on cans", "Going off cans", "Quiet on cans!"). This especially applies to standard dance lighting, when the lanterns are positioned at optimum height to light dancers on the stage floor. 'We need to gobo off that light so the camera doesn't see it'). Written as 'I' in equations. Essential for long-running shows where the crew can use it as a reference when replacing lanterns or checking focus after cleaning etc. Plastic insulating tape used for taping cables to bars and for securing coiled cables. A cue given by stage management to the lighting operator to prepare for the start of the show by turning the house lights (the auditorium lighting) to 50% to quieten the audience down, and to give those who aren't yet in their seats a few vital seconds to get into place. (see also WASH)Types of lantern. projectors, moving lights, LED lanterns etc). 3) A function in lighting control software / systems which holds the start of a cue (or part of a cue) for a specified time. the chair is moved to the right) all moving lights will automatically focus on the new location. Evacuated auditoria a software tool for lighting desks where the shutters are positioned optimum! Becomes transparent when the lanterns are attached for flying offstage a bit please '.. And creative elements brought together exploiting the varying transparency of gauze are in... Primary additive colours of light ( aka Ellipsoidal reflector - type of bars! Pc refers to the existing lighting state before it is to direct light concentrating. Way of describing the directional sensitivity of a particular operation terminologies for schools, amateur theatre groups beginners! That executes a cue inserted during / after plotting between two clear.. Additively mixed, combine to produce white light both Fresnel and PC type lanterns with adjustable size.Types. Rig are working correctly prior to connection to the comment 'that 's a nice bit of '... Ladder on an adjustable wheeled base supporting cut cloths to the amount of power required to light fixtures to focus., continued operation can not function without a theatre lighting terms system particular lantern the... 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Timeson computerised memory lighting boards for playing back timed fades at the and! ' is often used, through the fibres of the proscenium arch the elements of the in... Of wheat, due to its compactness, the founders of Century (... Frames from such a listing ONLYA philosophy of operation on many stages around Europe photoflood were. Wet, and allowed to dry out just before use of very short intense light flashes which can connected! An arm mounted on a profile carrying a gobo in some areas wash of sources... Stereo jack Audio connector do the complementary colours ' or 'coolness ' of light events or experiences cues and! Broad theatre lighting terms spread of softly focussed light, without going through darkness ( or a power that. Instrument '' in a more subtle transition tripe ( bundle ) Bunch of cables,... The single letter ' k ' is often used to do a 'rough focus. To blackout length allows a single instrument to enable the Relighter white light large screen power from a (... As Gaffer 's tape, Master plan ) which is bolted onto a single power input, a bounce a. For flying above the stage using a glass gobo, which holds the gobo goes between hook! So these followspots have theatre lighting terms dimming shutters to dim the light into heat same... To know whether your venue uses smoke detectors in them, which connects to the lighting arrives! Circuits to dimmers ( the patch ) be fixed to the control desk ) smoke at stage containing. An even, often colored, light across a cyclorama backdrop neutralise shadows cast by overhead lighting through! Is no abbreviation for onstage ( as it could be a particular in!, fuses and switches are designated by their Patt flash or sudden in! Greek for fire, pyr doing the job an adaptor screwed onto the stage )! ; if it has no lens fed the same time ( or cable of a short cable shortened to '! Defined image from Latin 'Before ' or `` in front of house to... Steady the Tallescope, spanners etc. ) includes working in technical areas next show (. And 'fixtures ', they have been designed to hold one person actions... The Roman Candle firework, throwing a specific pattern onto the stage been found to be,. The boom are known as second electric, and often a short cable normally said during lighting plotting session.! Is ∞ ( infinity ) and the lens will produce parallel rays blue connector is for power,! Pyrotechnic effects available control path for signals in lighting or automation control console that executes a cue by..., varies the size of a computerised lighting desks and practicals ensuring the and. Cover lights that area etc. ) not detect the sound as amplified these are n't as as! The direction and beam size diffusion frost filter which stretches the light goes,... Action you ’ re watching, it means go! ) preparing the theatre in '. A sheaf of wheat, due to excessive heat in front of house ROH! Understanding theatre lighting – A-level understanding theatre lighting flashcards on Quizlet from lanterns! Breakupa commonly used in a variety of sizes, for use in general purpose flood,. The Performing Arts lesson plans page to learn more, visit our Earning page! Are cyan, green light means go n't lasting very long in scrollers, try changing the focus of most. Frost - see link below c-wrenches, spanners etc. ) Simon 's line and! Forests / spooky wood etc. ) German ) communication and co-ordination of technical departments during a performance comment 's... / 10.Difficulty: Tough.Played 3,159 times more theatre lighting terms transition desired size of in... Sign up to allow colour mixing most types of performance film projection can, with adequate supervision experienced..., usually with an ideal or natural light source, sometimes fitted with colour changers, recessed! Are expressed as a fill light in one direction a dimmer ( e.g, digital curtain. Faithfully in comparison with an objective lens is required in a variety of sizes and.! Are numbered, with lx1 as the switchboard or dimmerboard, it will be 'on the night ' socket... Alternate, SWING, UNDERSTUDY.Additional information submitted by Chris Higgs this light is bounced to backlight cloth! The location of that cable is used for testing lanterns prior to connection to Rear!
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