A lot of coastal wildlife (including nesting birds) live and shelter in the soft, dry-sand area of the beach. A 40-mm steel ring tied to the end of the longline slips over the spike while the drag of the line being hauled to seaward keeps it firmly in place. Putting plastic tubes over the traces makes them stiffer, reducing the chance of traces tangling around the mainline. }); All information © 2021 The Fishing Website, Proposed marine farm in the Firth of Thames, Guidelines for boaties using the Hauraki Gulf amidst yacht racing, Beginner's Guide to Kayak Fishing Part 9: Getting to the Water. The New Zealand manufacturers are all fishers and use their equipment, so they know what they are talking about. It must be done properly because I will be away from the baits while I carry the Kontiki into the surf. ).datepicker("getDate"); Your submission has been received! Over the years fishers have found different methods to get their baits out further. That he is a GFM is well known in local fishing circles, which is why another fisherman seeking answers visited him recently. Tide tables and solunar charts for fishing: high tides and low tides; sun and moon rising and setting times, lunar phase, fish activity, weather conditions... Tides4fishing cookies are used to personalise content and ads, save your recent fishing sites and remember your display settings. In the early 2000’s, Kentiki and Seahorse Electric Kontikis offered the first commercially-built electric kontikis which used electric trolling motors. And it can be left set for just as long as I choose. Who's winning? Finally, safety needs to be considered. There are some kontikis that separate into two parts, making them ideal for transporting in a motorhome or campervan, and storing in small spaces. The best time to take advantage of a falling tide is two hours before low tide. The longline clip is a popular method of clipping the trace to the mainline. New Zealand Fishing News Larger fish, such as redfish, flounder, drum, and trout, will also follow that rising tide … e.preventDefault(); While the larger motors can pull the line out okay, once the motor stops, the strong side currents can still pull the line and the kontiki sideways along the beach. I believe it is morally wrong to kill any fish, which is not going to be used for dinner - I especially go to considerable lengths to release stingrays. For some, it’s a reason to travel this great country of ours and fish in different locations; others find it’s a great way to feed the family; and for most, it’s a fun way to spend a few hours quality time on the beach. Take your boat switch game to the next level with this epic new tech. Traditionally, kontikis had a manually-operated rudder that was set before launching but could not alter course to allow for side currents and drifts – learning to account for these factors was part of the skill-set of a good kontiki fisherman. They take the extra steps during manufacture to build protection against the elements into their products. Kontiki Fishing Basics. Carry a knife for this reason. Edge Fishing have just introduced a super slick high-quality PE 8x strand casting braid with Japanese technology. This is a safety feature for when the hooks and fish are being removed from the line. Salted tuatuas (two to a hook) will also catch good snapper. The kontiki needs a comfortable handle which allows it to be easily carried in one hand, with or without the batteries. Yes, you have some expensive gear to finance up front but compare your investment with the cost of a small runabout, two outboard motors and a trailer, lifejackets, VHF radio, trailer WOFs and yearly registration fees plus the mechanical servicing of the motors. Winches should be kept as simple as possible due to the harsh environment they operate in. With the baits are covered and the mystified seagulls are standing about watching and wondering, I walk out into the water carrying the Kontiki with its steel ring attached to the towing spike and both reels unwinding as I go. What's the real cost of the way we are fishing in Aotearoa? Some old concepts on how to fish in the sea are a bit like the Southern Alps, time-tested and still there yet not as well known as they could be! Kontiki fishing is … Please enable JavaScript to use this form. In general, a tide change usually dictates a change of venue, even if it’s to the other side of the rock, and sometimes a change in technique. "High tide isn't necessarily the best time to fish. var daym=mydate.getDate(); Matt Watson conducts a fishing experiment with his kontiki to find out which is the best bait, and if hook type or fluorocarbon makes a difference. Longlines use self-setting circle hooks. dataString = $("#caldata").serialize(); The wind is the best guide as to where the current is flowing as a strong wind will blow the surface water in that direction. If possible, go down- current of other people. This allows the bait to float away from the mainline to improve the catch. When Is the Best Time to Go Fishing? A lot of people find evening or night fishing will give better results than the middle of the day. A one-knot side current will travel 450 metres in 15 minutes. Phil Scherer talks through the finer points of kontikis – a very Kiwi way of getting your baits in the bite zone…. Gannets diving have given away a pack of hunting kingfish. if (year < 1000){ These are approximately 25-mm long and 17-mm wide; smallish is the word. In the past, people would use logs and even balloons – anything that the wind would blow offshore. The best times to fish are when the fish are naturally most active. The trace is clipped onto the mainline between two stoppers and the trace can slide back and forth between these stoppers. Three times I have lost traces and stoppers to sharks and, to be realistic, that is probably par for the course on some beaches. But don’t drive too close to the water either, as there could be soft or quicksand patches. Historically, it has been done with sail rafts, kites, or plastic bags filled with air. The fishing is invariably better when the tide is running strongly. Being in paradise and the only ones fishing the beach the fish were just a bonus, we were off to a good start on our 5-6 day fishing trip. $("form#caldata").submit(); It is best to have at least a 400-metre gap between you and other beach users. LUNAR PHASES. Kontiki fishing - Tips and tricks. You should also be careful when launching your kontiki in the surf. Of course, you need to be able to get your kontikis to the beach, so make sure it will fit into your vehicle. Trolleys range from simple two-wheel units designed to carry the kontiki and winch, through to motorised trolleys which will carry all your gear. The boys find themselves in the right place at the right time. And there should be a manual handle that can be used if all else fails. I fillet a scaled fresh mullet and cut from it up into 45 or 50 baits. Fortunately, New Zealand kontiki manufacturers have learnt what it takes to operate in this environment. Again Milan has been scouting for land based fishing spots on google earth. These are baited and each baited hook is then covered with a shallow spadeful of sand. Over the last 20 years, New Zealand kontiki manufacturers have continued to develop and improve the basic electric kontiki into a range of designs with differing features. var month=mydate.getMonth(); Kontiki fishing works best when the surf is less than two meters, the current is not too strong and when deployed over clear sandy bottom types. The best time to go kontiki fishing is whenever you can. Fishing against the current, due to wind stronger than tide, sometimes prevents action. document.getElementById('date_time').value= date ; $("#date2").html("
" + data[1].date + "
"); The boys find a pack of ray-riding kingfish and A fly is smashed in what the boys reckon is one of the greatest strikes they have ever seen. However, just about anywhere on a surf beach will do, it does not seem to matter where the line is set, provided the wind is offshore and the surf low. This includes using polyethylene plastic with high UV protection for the bodies, and encasing the electronic control units in epoxy resin to protect them from salt, sand and water. Milan, Nathan and one of âthe boyâsâ Toby, are on board Savoy headed to great barrier island and they are going to use the tender on the front of Savoy to go land based fishing at Great Barrier Island. Fishing the Mighty Mokes with Yamaha School of Fish, Stabicraft and the all new SIMRAD command, Catcing the Biggest Trout you've ever seen, The new Stabicraft 2250 Ultracab WT is the ultimate tourer. I always take pleasure in releasing any by-catch fish for which I have no use. There are an increasing number of kontiki fishing competitions; a great way to meet other kontiki fishers and fish in new locations. In recent years battery and kite-powered beach long lines are more the fashion. I have no hesitation in leaving it fishing for several hours when I am on an East coast beach. A long, narrow, streamlined body will perform best in the water and is also easier to carry, as the weight is carried close into your body. The first king fish landed on the boat is a good one. Kite fishing is the cheapest way of getting a longline out and if you use a Kite Dropper Rig it is a very efficient way of fishing through the high surf and strong longshore currents on the west coast. As the water changes from high tide to low tide, the water slowly begins to push out. Kontiki fishing is a reliable, relaxing and fun way to catch fish. Four-wheel drives and quad bikes are a popular way to transport gear. Be careful of any drag-inducing fins, as they can leave a nasty bruise if you kick them while carrying the kontiki. Beach longlining or ‘kontiki fishing’ is a uniquely Kiwi form of fishing. Fishing on the west coast or the South Island generally requires the larger 46 or 54lb thrust motor. success: function( data ){ dataType: "json", Smaller baits are more successful as the fish are scavenging along the bottom looking for bits of anything to eat. Hauraki Express skipper Nick Jones has spent his fair share of time out wide on big boats, but after recently purchasing his own 3.5m Smartw... more >, For Jack Lusk, soft-baits can catch fish almost anywhere, but every scenario requires a modification in technique. url: 'https://www.bitetimes.fishing/cgi-bin/fishing.cgi', A current running out in the middle of the day can be very good, but not so much a current running in. If there is no current, it is best to maintain a minimum 400-metre gap between kontikis. $("#minor2").html("
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